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SRSENTERPRISESFIRE 5c20d2029bbefa0001ab7c97 Products

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SRS ENTERPRISES FIRE EXTINGUISHER :: FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM IN COIMBATORE :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER DEALER IN COIMBATORE:: FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER PRICE :: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM:: EXIT SIGN BOARDS :: LED EXIT SUPPLIER :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER DEALER NEAR ME :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER KERALA : : FIRE EXTINGUISHER TAMILNADU:: FIRE EXTINGUISHER PALAKKAD :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRISSUR :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER MALAPPURAM. Introduction: This comes to you with the intention of providing you with more information on fire safety and how we at SRS Enterprises(FIRE EXTINGUISHERS) can partner with you in making the capital investments as well as human capital in your premises,totally fire safe. Our Profile: Over the years SRS Enterprises has been constantly inspired by innovation and excellence, thereby ensuring convenience and quality to our customers. We are an ISO 9001-2015 certified company. We are committed to maintaining a good and friendly ever blooming relationship with our customers with our unmatched after-sales services, in order to ensure that we are never far out of reach when they really need us the most. Products we provision are ISI and CE approved. They are agreed to be of world-class quality and of utmost reliability. Over the years we have been continuously studying international fire safety trends and standards to the best customized product suggestions to our customers. Our suggestions perfectly match the need of customers while adequately pertaining to the government standards and regulations. Our Aim We at SRS Enterprises are here to make the world a safer place for all of us. Our aim is to never allow mishaps to take away another life or bring down a family’s dream or ruin people’s careers. We whole heartedly wish and strive to equip you with the state of the art technology and best in class training to use it. Product Categories: SRS Enterprises is catering to the entire gamut of safety requirements. We have many product categories, which cater to the different segments of the safety Industry. Here is the list of categories and the respective product lists. • Fire Extinguisher • Fire Hydrant system • Smoke & Fire Detection system • Safety Suits • Personal Protective Equipment • Suppression System • Escape signs & Directional lighting systems • Others Services. SRS ENTERPRISES FIRE EXTINGUISHER DEALERCOIMBATORE


    SRS ENTERPRISES FIRE EXTINGUISHER :: FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM IN COIMBATORE :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER DEALER IN COIMBATORE:: FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER PRICE :: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM:: EXIT SIGN BOARDS :: LED EXIT SUPPLIER :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER DEALER NEAR ME :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER KERALA : : FIRE EXTINGUISHER TAMILNADU:: FIRE EXTINGUISHER PALAKKAD :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRISSUR :: FIRE EXTINGUISHER MALAPPURAM. Introduction: This comes to you with the intention of providing you with more information on fire safety and how we at SRS Enterprises(FIRE EXTINGUISHERS) can partner with you in making the capital investments as well as human capital in your premises,totally fire safe. Our Profile: Over the years SRS Enterprises has been constantly inspired by innovation and excellence, thereby ensuring convenience and quality to our customers. We are an ISO 9001-2015 certified company. We are committed to maintaining a good and friendly ever blooming relationship with our customers with our unmatched after-sales services, in order to ensure that we are never far out of reach when they really need us the most. Products we provision are ISI and CE approved. They are agreed to be of world-class quality and of utmost reliability. Over the years we have been continuously studying international fire safety trends and standards to the best customized product suggestions to our customers. Our suggestions perfectly match the need of customers while adequately pertaining to the government standards and regulations. Our Aim We at SRS Enterprises are here to make the world a safer place for all of us. Our aim is to never allow mishaps to take away another life or bring down a family’s dream or ruin people’s careers. We whole heartedly wish and strive to equip you with the state of the art technology and best in class training to use it. Product Categories: SRS Enterprises is catering to the entire gamut of safety requirements. We have many product categories, which cater to the different segments of the safety Industry. Here is the list of categories and the respective product lists. • Fire Extinguisher • Fire Hydrant system • Smoke & Fire Detection system • Safety Suits • Personal Protective Equipment • Suppression System • Escape signs & Directional lighting systems • Others Services. SRS ENTERPRISES FIRE EXTINGUISHER DEALERCOIMBATORE

    Customer Testimonials


    Refilling period for any fire extinguisher is 1 year, if you have used any fire extinguisher for training purpose then you may refill it with in 8-10 days.
    Fire extinguishers. ... Fire extinguishers are classified as hazardous waste and need to be disposed of carefully. For safety reasons, most councils ask for the handles to be securely taped together or the safety pin to be in place.
    They use monoammonium phosphate which is a dry chemical that is able to quickly put out the fire. It is a pale yellow powder that is able to put out all three classes of fire; Class A for trash, wood and paper, Class B for liquids and gases, and Class C for energized electrical sources..
    1.Ensure accessibility....2. Make sure the extinguisher is in its proper spot, visible and easy to access.....3. Inspect the seals. ....2.Look over the tamper and safety seals to make sure they are intact....4. Check the pressure. ..5 Look for damage. ...6. Document your inspection.
    Most extinguishers lasts for 5 years, according to manufacturers. Check the tag on your extinguisher for dates and manufacturer's instructions. A fire extinguisher with a gauge should be checked every month to make sure it is properly charged..
    Water. Powder. Foam. CO2. Wet chemical.
    If the extinguisher is properly charged, the dial of the pressure gauge will be in the green section. ... An overcharged extinguisher may not interfere with the discharge process, but it may damage the gaskets of the hose and cause leakage. MAKE SURE THE HOSE IS NOT DAMAGED OR DETERIORATED.

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